As I've been saying on the podcast, contacts in which both operators are using homebrew gear are increasingly rare, especially on SSB, and especially, it seems, in the USA. So let's chronicle these rare events. I've started a Label here on the blog called HB2HB. Send me reports of good HB2HB contacts -- recent or past -- and I'll try to get them onto the blog.
I've already described my recent QSO with Pete, N6QW. My second HB2HB from this location took place on 12 October 2015. I talked to Jeff GW3UZS in Cardiff, Wales on 17 meters. I was using my trusty BITX17. Jeff was running a much more sophisticated homebrew rig -- see above. More details on Jeff's beautiful rigs are on his page"
So send in HB2HB reports. These contacts are almost in "endangered species" category -- they deserve to be preserved!
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