Homebrew Computers -- REALLY Homebrew Computers

Hackaday has an article today that is, for me, very timely.   In our last podcast, Pete and I were discussing the meaning of the word "homebrew" in the world of Software Defined Radio.  As always, Pete was closer to the cutting edge, while I remain mired in Ludite (one D please!) curmudgeonism, committed to RADICAL FUNDAMENTALIST HOMEBREWING.  No chips and no menus for me please.  

Today, the Hackaday guys came to my rescue with a blast from the past.  Homebrew computers!  Not that simple "buy a mo-bo and plug in some boards" stuff.   No, REAL homebrew, so HB that they even made their own components.  1968.  I can dig it!  I should have gone down this road.  I had the C.L. Stong book "The Amateur Scientist" IN MY HANDS. It had some great articles about relay-based computers.  I could have been rich! 

